Input Doc Podcast

In this podcast, Gage chatted with Tim Yeadon from Clyde Golden about responsible design, running a sustainable design studio, and more.

Input Doc is a podcast produced by Clyde Golden, a creative agency in Seattle specializing in research, strategy, and content creation. For some insight on what it's like working at Modern Species and applying our mission to the workplace, Gage explains,

"So for me, I guess, defining doing well by doing good - my personal way that I define that is making sure that I'm creating a place where people feel good about working. You know, they work on projects that are meaningful, and they work with the team that they like, and they grow as an individual during that process, or during the time working there and a company that can ideally afford to pay them a reasonable, ideally competitive salary, but at least a reasonable salary for wherever they live."

Listen to the whole podcast and view the transcription on Clyde Golden's website:

Chloe Yeo

Chloe is a brand designer and dog enthusiast at Modern Species.


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