Summer Hours

It's summer! As the sun comes out and temperatures warm up, we're resting, relaxing, and switching up our hours.

Happy Solstice!

Summer's just begun and we're adjusting our schedule to summer hours! Our office will be closed starting from July 1st to July 5th as we take our summer break. We’ll be back on that following Monday (July 8th), when our weekly hours will change. Throughout the summer, our office will be open from Monday-Thursday and closed on Fridays. We'll be back to a regular Monday-Friday schedule after Labor Day weekend.

We believe in the importance of taking breaks and resting, which is why we close the office for a 1-week break in the first week of July as well as a 1-week in the winter from December 25th-January 1st.

How do you like to incorporate breaks into your life? Do you have any plans for the summer?

Chloe Yeo

Chloe is a brand designer and dog enthusiast at Modern Species.


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