Impact-Driven Day Recap

We’re going further and faster together. 

If you have listened to our podcast, you might have heard those words several times, but it wasn’t until a couple of months ago that we put some action into it and decided to build a joint community with other impact-driven groups.

That community is what we call today the Impact Driven Community, an online space where The Green Marketing Academy, Common Cause Collective, Conscious Brands, Brand Pollinators, and, us, Evolve CPG merged our audience with the intention of having more opportunities to grow together and network across industries.  

To celebrate the integration and give members a glimpse of what they can expect from us, we hosted our first online event that touched on topics related to purpose, growth, sustainable marketing, and positive impact.

If you missed it, here’s a very quick recap:

Our day started with Jamie Lamonde, Founder of Kindship Group, guiding an exercise to get us all grounded, and then we moved on with Ashley Worobec, Organizer of Common Cause Collective, to learn about the importance of long-term thinking and creating pathways to guide us towards preferable futures. 

After that, Rob Sinclair, Founder of Conscious Brands, shared tools and practices to bring purpose into alignment toward manageable growth.

Then, we switched to marketing with Michelle Miller, from The Green Marketing Academy, who gave a lecture about how to minimize our marketing footprint while increasing impact. 

We then moved on to a networking break and were followed by Gage Mitchell, Founder of Modern Species and Evolve CPG, who talked about all the areas your company mission can be woven into your brand in order to increase awareness, have stronger alignment, and deepen commitment.

After that, Kate Fosson, Founder of Brand Pollinators, talked about how collaborations can generate interest in your brand, but also save money and maximize impact.

And, to wrap up, Jamie came back to share some highlights from the day.  

Where is this joint community going, you might ask.

We have more events, classes, and workshops coming up, so further might be one of the answers.

If the topics of this event recap have resonated with you, you are welcome to join us in our integrated space!

Andreina Blanco

Content Manager of Evolve CPG

Modern Species

A sustainable brand design agency helping better-for-the-world brand launch, evolve, and grow to scale their impact.

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