Our Newest Grand Species: Hendrix

We always knew Carla was a talented designer, but her latest creation might just be the finest she’s ever made. Introducing Hendrix Parker Britt: design baby.

The Hendrix project has been under way since before Carla began her work at Modern Species. It was really a masterful collaboration between Carla and her husband, Todd, who put his engineering skills to work by equipping Hendrix with two opposable thumbs, which has considerably improved his grip strength. Living up to her “Colourful Carla” nickname, Carla made sure to add in some beautiful blue eyes as well, which will be essential to Hendrix’s future smoulder.

“It was a lot of fun. Yeah. A LOT of fun,” Carla said, when asked to describe the collaboration with Todd.

“I don’t think I ever really thought of it as a design project,” Todd replied, showcasing his trademark humility.

The launch party for Hendrix was held on March 11th. Always the consummate event planner, Carla made sure that things ran smoothly and on time. Now that Hendrix is online, Carla will be taking some time off of Modern Species to help Hendrix get up and running. She is expect to return in June and we can’t wait to have her back. 

Congrats Carla and Todd on your amazing work and welcome to the world, Hendrix.

Alex Stewart

Alex is the Office Manager and wanna-be organizational psychologist at Modern Species.


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