Change Through Cooking with Alison Cayne of Haven's Kitchen

Beyond simply being delicious, food can be a means to start conversations, cross cultural divides, and even inspire social change. In this episode of Brands for a Better World, you’ll hear from Alison Cayne, Founder of NYC-based Haven’s Kitchen, about how she combined her passion for cooking with her desire to change people’s lives for the better and turned it into a purpose-driven career. Join us as we delve into the social impacts of our food systems, why home cooking is good for our health, the health of our communities, and the health of the planet, and the immense power that everyday consumers hold to drive meaningful policy change. We also discuss how Alison’s podcast, In the Sauce, helped her speed up her CPG learning curve, the ways that Haven’s Kitchen has evolved based on customers’ needs and in response to the world at large, why the best marketing strategies are common sense, and so much more! To learn about the many compelling ways that food can transform communities and encourage people to create a better world through cooking, be sure to tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The important role that cooking plays in supporting the local economy and agriculture.

  • An understanding of the correlation between home cooking and better food systems.

  • Why we shouldn’t underestimate the power that consumers have to drive policy change.

  • What led Alison to start a cooking school in the middle of her Master’s program.

  • From urban planning and policy to food studies: how Alison’s interests have evolved.

  • The story behind Alison’s cookbook and Haven’s Kitchen’s range of sauces.

  • How the In the Sauce Podcast helped Alison accelerate her CPG learning curve.

  • The personal satisfaction that Alison gets from being a connector in her industry.

  • Insight into Alison’s unique CPG product strategy, supply chain, and packaging.

  • Common barriers to feel-good home cooking that Haven’s Kitchen seeks to simplify.

  • Theory versus practice: why the best marketing strategies are usually common sense.

  • The Haven’s Kitchen initiative that donates 1% of gross profit to community-based organizations that fight inequity and hunger.

  • New products, new channels, and more: what the future holds for Haven’s Kitchen.

  • Alison’s favorite non-food hobby, best piece of advice, and more in the lightning round!  

“If I can teach New Yorkers who can afford it to cook more, they will [support the local economy, local agriculture, and growers] who are dependent on people cooking.” — Alison Cayne [0:06:57]

“The more you cook and the more you understand about where food comes from, the more you care about [labor, animal, and growing practices]. At the end of the day, there is a correlation between home cooking and better food systems.” — Alison Cayne [0:21:25]

“I realized six months into recording the podcast that asking someone for an hour of their time is a big ask. Asking someone if you can – give them a platform so they can be helpful to many people and feel good about themselves is a better ask.” — Alison Cayne [0:31:03]

“Build a smart business that solves a problem, that makes people feel good about themselves and what they’re doing – Learn how to be a better leader every day – and try to bring a little bit of positivity to the world.” — Alison Cayne [1:00:06] 

Modern Species

A sustainable brand design agency helping better-for-the-world brand launch, evolve, and grow to scale their impact.

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