Curious Creatives with Diana Ingles of Rootlebox

What if your actions had a ripple effect? Instead of waiting for someone else to be the solution, what if you took charge of your own sphere of influence? Diana Ingles is an Eco-conscious Designer at Rootlebox and she joins the conversation today to discuss her journey to working in sustainable solutions, unpack some of the problems with consumer culture, and explore how we are approaching our work differently as designers. As well as getting an insight into Diana’s work at Rootlebox, you’ll learn more about the philosophy behind Modern Species. You’ll also hear about some of the organizations, resources, and movements we’re most excited about. This is an empowering conversation between two sustainable designers leveraging their abilities to create the change the world desperately needs. Thanks for tuning in!

Key Points From This Episode:

• Introducing Diana Ingles, Eco-conscious Designer at Rootlebox.

• Her background in food and sustainability, from growing up in a family homestead to finding her ikigai.

• Inevitable shifts that occur once you start to question societal practices.

• Nurturing curiosity during the pursuit of sustainable solutions.

• Stepping into the spaces that need your support instead of waiting for someone else to.

• Factors that attract clients to Modern Species; from aligned values and resonant work to portfolio clients.

• The promising prospect of seaweed as a sustainable material.

• Nature’s waste-free processes and the emergence of sustainable packaging trends.

• New and old traditions of upcycling food to extract nutritional value and eliminate waste.

• Algae ink printing and education with Rootlebox.

• The philosophy behind Brands for a Better World.

• Underutilized educational resources such as 1% for the Planet.

• Different ways to contribute revenue and time.

• Challenges associated with building a more sustainable future.

• Different ways of responding to broken systems.

• Practical takeaways from this conversation. 

“A lot of brands don’t realize that it’s not hard to make the transition to [more sustainable practices].” — Diana Ingles [0:09:23]

“Every time things get hard as far as working on the brand with Wild Routed, doing packaging design, I remember that nature needs us.” — Diana Ingles [0:10:43]

“Approaching things from a different perspective can open up lots of different solutions.” — @GageMitchell [0:21:25]

“There is something inherently sustainable about a business focused on good.” — @GageMitchell [0:30:51]

“We owe it to the kids of the world because we’re not going to be here when this all goes South. It’s not our planet anymore. It’s theirs.” — Diana Ingles [0:39:48] 

Modern Species

A sustainable brand design agency helping better-for-the-world brand launch, evolve, and grow to scale their impact.

Celebrity Brands with Samyr Laine of Freedom Trail Capital


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