Progress Over Perfection with Radhika Manwani of Sieo
Today, we welcome Radhika Manwani, Associate at Sieo, to discuss their hybrid venture studio and marketing agency model. Also, we dive into the lessons learned while developing, launching, and growing a new product brand during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sieo builds and grows impactful companies. Learn more here
Key Points of the Episode:
Radhika introduces us to her origins, her college degree, and her role at Sieo.
How Sieo began as a venture studio and then changed to a hybrid model.
The purpose of Sieo and why they try their best to help their companies succeed.
Why mentorship and guidance are more valuable than a check.
Radhika explains to us about Better Brand.
We’re told why the supply chain is so fragile and why we must give the consumers some slack.
Some lessons Radhika has learned working at Sieo.
Gage and Radhika talk about progress over perfection.
Final advice from Radhika for other brands.
“We really want to nurture our companies and try our best to help them succeed.” - Radhika Manwani (00:10:50)
“Transparency is definitely undervalued. But also, we have to give consumers slack.” - Radhika Manwani (00:21:50)
“Be more efficient in really bringing that end product to the consumer, being on time, and hitting all your goals.” - Radhika Manwani (00:42:43)
“Be flexible. Not everything's going to work exactly the way it should. But that's fine. That's the way life works.” - Gage Mitchell (00:45:10)